Thursday, August 14, 2008


Life is tough...It is wonderful, but it really is so hard. I think reality kind of slaps us in the face sometimes and throws us a little off balance. My summer in Tennessee is ending and it really is making me so sad. I'm sure I will be fine when I actually get to Idaho, but I am scared to death to be honest. I am not rooming with my best friend, Megan, this year and that really throws me off. I have medical problems that I have a hard time explaining to new people so I feel like if something happens, I am on my own. I am not sure how I am going to deal with this, but I know that I am never truly alone. I sometimes think that life would be so much easier if I did not have to worry about how I am going to pay for school, an apartment, or stuff like that. I wish sometimes that my body was completely healthy because I really do miss my old normal body. I feel like an old lady trapped in mine. My mentality is fine, but physically, I don't know exactly how I am. I am pretty sure that I am past the point of medical help, but I am grateful for what I do have and I know things could be worse. I am just going to keep on smiling and know that I can handle whatever I am given! I'm trying to focus on becoming who I need to be. When life gets like this, I just remember that before I came to earth, I knew I was going to face these trials and I knew that it would be really hard. I like to think that I volunteered for these problems so maybe someone else wouldn't have to. I knew I would be strong enough to handle it...and I am. I have the gospel...and I have my family. I can not even say how much my family means to me. I pray every night for these people because I think they are the most wonderful, amazing, awesome, and beautiful people in the whole world. They give me strength and courage to keep on keeping on. I do love them so much. Even my sisters/brother-in-law, have helped me so much. They're my family and I love them too!! I know I have been blessed and I really can't complain... Life is life....simple as that.


Callie said...

Like I always say...Everything will be alright. It always is! You are Charity Freakin' Eaton and you always find a way to make yourself happy! So don't worry about a thing! You have been through a lot though, and thats why I admire you so much! Thats the reason you are my hero. You are so strong and wise..and I love you dearly! You showed me the Gospel and I am forever indebted to you. You really don't know how much you mean to you really don't! Ill always love you more! P.s. Your bod definition is AMAZINGGG ha ha! ;)

Beke said...

I love you and I am glad that you will be up here for me to room with at least my first semester. Remember I will always be a phone call and an icy highway away! I really am excited about you coming back out here...your one of my best friends you know!

Justin and Michelle Klingler said...

So . . . I found your blog pretty much by blog hopping. I don't even know how to spell that word. I really hope you don't mind but I was really excited to find you! Plus, I got a new phone so I lost your number :( But we'll have to get together and hang out when you are back in Rexburg. We were gone for the summer too, but we're coming back at the end of this month. So, you can check out little Kensingtyn who isn't so little anymore. And guess what . . . we're having another. Anyway, it's all at Good luck with the move, can't wait to see you again!!!


Renee and Jake said...

Way to make me teary eyed. I love you. You are amzaingly strong and a true optimist. Everything will work out. I love you and have great admiration for you.

Sandra and Brent said...

Well, I guess since everyone else is leaving a comment I will too. It's true, life is hard, really hard, and it usually doesn't turn out anything like we plan for it to. But the amazing thing is that if do what we are suppose to be doing I like to think it will turn out even better. It's hard to imagine, believe me I know, but Heavenly Father knows what we need more than we even do. Your trials are blessings and I think you are who you are because of the things you have went through. Love you little sister. I'll miss you living in TN.