Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Listen, all you haters:

Okay, okay!! I am going to try really hard to get better at blogging!! I do not look pregnant enough to put up pictures. I would just feel chubby in them. My life is not too eventful right now, but I did have some inspiration:
I was just thinking about how short tempered I have been. It seems like the people I care about the most are the ones that I need to treat the best, but I take my frustrations out on them. I started thinking about how it is our family that deserves to be treated the best, but because we are so comfortable around them, our bad side may come out. I really am going to put an effort forth to uplift those that I love. I want to try to always put my best foot forward. It always seems like I lose my patience so quickly around the people I am closest too. However, they are the ones that deserve the full patience from you. I just thought of these things and thought they were worthy of sharing. Maybe we could all take a look at how we are treating those that mean the most to us and hopefully we are showing them they mean the most through our actions toward them.
Morgan is in Idaho visiting me. It is fun to have her here. She keeps me from being bored. I have fun fun fun! Ha, it is hard to get homework done though.
Life is great. Im so happy that I am alive and I pray that I am able to stay optimistic. I really do hope that I can treat everyone around me better. I really do need to make that a top priority.

1 comment:

Renee and Jake said...

Sometimes, I think we are the harshest to the ones we love because they have an unconditional love for us anyway. But I agree we need to treat them the best, luckily, they love us anyway and forgive us.