Thursday, June 30, 2011

So what, Im Late!!

I am not always the best at keeping on top of my blog, but I decided I needed to do a little post for Fathers Day.
We had a most wonderful Sunday that day. This is how it went...
Riley and I made Robert a delicious breakfast that was hot and ready when he got out of bed. We all ate together and then headed to church. Sacrament was especially fun because my girlfriend, Kirie, who is the primary music leader, was out of town, and I got to stand in for her. I got up with the primary kids and lead them through the "Im so glad when daddy comes home" song. Oh my gosh, it was totally sweet and those children are absolutely darling. Robert then took Riley so I could go do the music in Primary, I loved it. Riley was really good for Robert and it is always so sweet when I look out and see our little Riley fast asleep in his daddys arms...I guess that must be one of the most terrific things about being a father; the comfort your children find in your arms. Anyway, we went home and got ready to go see my dad. We went to Jackson and I got to see some of the men in my life that I admire and love more than they even know it. Papaw and my daddy were both there, along with my brother, and brothers-in-law.
I can not tell you how grateful I am for the love, kindness, support, and strength my father has give me. He is such an incredible man and it brings me so much happiness knowing that my children will be able to say the same about their father.
I really wish we could have seen my sweet father-in-law. I am just so thankful that Robert had such a great man as a father, whom I love very much.
So, cheers to the most wonderful fathers in the world!!

1 comment:

The Wride's said...

I miss coming and visiting you! Your little boy is getting so big! I can't believe it! I'm glad I found your blog so now I can stay in touch and see what you guys are up to!