Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Days and Bad Days

I guess I really can not say that I have bad days. Sometimes things arent what I planned or wanted, but it really does not make for a bad day. I like Boise. It really is a nice place. I love the Dilgards and I seriously married one of the best guys in the whole world. However, it really has been a rough transition to me. I am still trying to figure out this whole concept of being married. It isnt too hard, but I am learning that I have had some selfish tendencies and I am trying really hard to overcome those because there really is no room for selfishness. Anybody who knows me knows that I love people so much and my friends mean the world to me. I find myself really sad sometimes because I really dont have a close girlfriend here that I can just call and chat with about everything. I feel like I am in this unfamiliar place that I cant just get in my car and drive somewhere because I only know my way to one or two streets. I sometimes wish I could just run away to Idaho Falls and see Amy, Michael(who has REALLY grown on me lately :) ), Beck, and the kids. I miss Amy and Becky especially. I have told Robert sometimes that I really am just waiting to have that feeling that I am a part of something. It is hard because everywhere I have went, I have had some security in knowing that either I was not the only new girl or I was surrounded by things that were familiar. I really am not complaining...not at all...I know that I am so blessed, but that does not mean that life is going to be easy. I just need to chin up and have faith. I miss everyone and I love you each so much. Have a super day!!


Justin and Michelle Klingler said...

You're so cute. And normal might I add. But you are such a fun and outgoing person that I bet in no time you will have tons of new friends and be bustin' some moves at a dance party with all of them:) I just remember how you were such a good friend to me in Dating and Courtship when I didn't have any friends in there! (Especially since I was the only one married...) I hope you adjust well and I'm glad you have a great guy that makes it all worth it. Take care!! Give me a call some time. I'd love to hear how everything else is going!! Miss you!

Alli Blue said...

I love you Charity! I know that I am all old and have a bunch of kids, but you may find I am quite the kick to be around! As soon as I get settled.....let's go do a girls lunch!!!!! xoxoxo! We've been there sista!

Sandra and Brent said...

All my best girlfriends live far away but they are all just a phone call away. Married people drive me batty, but I love you.

Beke said...

You don't have to be in the same town to call someone.

Amy Eaton said...

Marriage is a hard adjust for everyone but it is harder when you are living closer to his life before family, friends etc it will get easier. Come visit any time.

B&A said...

AH I seriously went through the same thing goin from The Burg=friends, Salt Lake City=no friends. It's hard- I still miss those college days :) but I love my boy. I love you girl!